Dir. Rod Ugalde
DOP. Luis Ávila
Music. Rod Ugalde
Stylist: Marisol Centeno
Models: Alexandra Lozhkina, Nataliya Toryanik, Sandy Nayely Cruz, Marisol Centeno
Clothes by Trista.
Dir. Rod Ugalde
DOP. Luis Ávila
Music. Rod Ugalde
Stylist: Marisol Centeno
Models: Alexandra Lozhkina, Nataliya Toryanik, Sandy Nayely Cruz, Marisol Centeno
Clothes by Trista.
La huella que dejó el movimiento de un cuerpo de seda.
The footprint left behind by the movement of a body of silk.
The footprint left behind by the movement of a body of silk.