Encontré algo, es un portal
Short 5’
35mm film
Full HD video
Dir_Rod Ugalde De Haene
Short 5’
35mm film
Full HD video
Dir_Rod Ugalde De Haene
Desde tiempos remotos, el espejo ha sido pensado como ambivalente. Es la superficie que reproduce imágenes y en cierto modo también las contiene y las absorbe. Es constantemnte relacionado con cualidades mágicas. Esta pieza audiovisual combina fotos análogas en 35mm y video digital para narrar el hallazgo de un espejo mágico en un tianguis de la Ciudad de México.
Since ancient times, the mirror has been thought of as ambivalent. It is the surface that reproduces images and in a certain way also contains and absorbs them. It is constantly related to magical qualities. This audiovisual piece combines 35mm analog photos and digital video to narrate the discovery of a magic mirror in a flea market in Mexico.
Since ancient times, the mirror has been thought of as ambivalent. It is the surface that reproduces images and in a certain way also contains and absorbs them. It is constantly related to magical qualities. This audiovisual piece combines 35mm analog photos and digital video to narrate the discovery of a magic mirror in a flea market in Mexico.